3.5-4yrs / 1hr / Mini Gym at Glenfield Mall
Pre-Stages is a progression class building on the skills learnt in a circuit class. In Pre-Stages we work to further develop strength, balance and co-ordination. Like the Circuit class, Pre-Stages is Parent Assisted but in this class we encourage independent learning making the transition to coach lead only Stages classes easy.
We pride ourselves on running a program that highlights healthy movement and fun. Our classes are designed to develop each child’s motor skills, which are a prerequisite for reading and writing, through exploring dominant movement patterns and providing physical challenges in a fun-filled session for all.
WARM UP: Each class starts with a game using music or another piece of Kindy equipment. The warm up has different focuses and challenges each week.
CIRCUIT: Classes consist of one big circuit that has stations where parents will be guided on how to support and help their child work on specific gymnastics skills like handstands and cartwheels as well as the important basic skills. You will move around the different stations and work on perfecting each skill. The class is more structured than the circuit classes and best suits gymnasts who can concentrate and are ready to work on the next level of skills.
TO FINISH: The children all come together at the end for a high five and sticker. Each week, one child will recieve a Star of the Week Certificate and sticker for something that they have achieved or done well during the session.
CLASS SIZE: Class numbers are kept at 8 with one – two qualified coaches per class.
CONTACT: T: (09) 600 1253 E:
All term fees are based on the number of weeks that are available for each term. We follow the standard school term which ranges from 8 to 11 weeks depending on the term and any public holidays that may fall in the term. Term fees are due in full prior to you starting the classes.
MINI GYM PRE-STAGES $19.40 a session
- 9 sessions – $174.60
- 10 sessions – $194.00